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¿Cómo solucionar un iPhone SE que se atasca en el modo de recuperación después de la actualización de iOS 11? [Guía para resolver problemas]

Es normal que una aplicación de iPhone se bloquee de vez en cuando, pero para un iPhone que se atasca en el modo de recuperación, ya es una historia diferente. En la mayoría de los casos, un problema de bucle en el modo de recuperación en los dispositivos iOS indica un problema de software importante que a menudo requiere la reparación del sistema. En esta publicación en particular, se aborda un problema similar que ocurre en el iPhone de edición especial, también conocido como iPhone SE, en el que el dispositivo se atasca en el modo de recuperación después de instalar una nueva actualización de iOS. Siga leyendo para descubrir por qué sucede esto y cómo sacar su iPhone SE del ciclo del modo de recuperación.

Cuando se te solicite la opción de restaurar o actualizar, selecciona

  • 1 clic para entrar/salir del modo de recuperación gratis
  • Se requiere PC o MAC

Free Download Now, before we proceed with our troubleshooting, if you have other concerns with your new iPhone SE, drop by our troubleshooting page for we have already published some guides and tutorials. You may also contact us by completing our iPhone issues questionnaire. This is a free consultation servicer we offer and all we need is information about the problem. So please give us that so that we can help you better. 


Stuck issues in iOS devices including iPhone SE are often tied to a hardware damage or major software malfunction. In many hardware-related cases, the problem is due to a liquid damage on the iPhone. Symptoms of hardware damage usually occur later from the actual incident. What usually happens is that, you might have thought that your iPhone was fine after having it soaked into the water but it’s actually not. So when you attempted to perform a system update, that’s when the symptom emerge. Your iPhone tried to carry out the system update the usual way it’s supposed to do but since a liquid damage is present somewhere in one of its hardware components, it couldn’t get to finish the update process thus it gets stuck. Unfortunately stuck problems that are tied to hardware damage typically require service for ultimate fixing. That being said, your best option to have your iPhone SE repaired in this case is by taking it to an authorized service center and have it diagnosed by a technician. Not all cases are related to a faulty hardware though. In fact, most cases of iPhone issues on being stuck on black screen, Apple logo, or recovery mode are associated with major software malfunction that is often inflicted by some tough bugs. For an iPhone SE that get stuck on recovery mode after installing a new iOS update, the update might have contained some bugs that have wrecked the system upon implementing the update file. Fortunately in this case, you’ve got a better chance of having your iPhone fixed by some more advanced workarounds, particularly an iOS restore. However, there is no guarantee that you will still be able to keep all your iPhone data in the restoration process. But at least, what’s more important is that you’re able to get your iPhone back up and running healthy again. Read on to learn your options in fixing an iPhone SE that gets stuck on recovery mode loop. RELEVANT ARTICLES:

  • Cómo reparar Apple iPhone SE que no se conecta al Bluetooth del automóvil [Guía de solución de problemas]
  • Cómo repare mi Apple iPhone SE Touch ID que responde lentamente o no funciona en absoluto [Guía de solución de problemas]
  • ¿Por qué mi iPhone SE no puede conectarse a iTunes Store, iBooks Store o App Store y recibe el error 1202? [Guía de solución de problemas]
  • Cómo reparar mi iPhone SE que no puede actualizar o restaurar iOS, mostrando los errores de iTunes 3194, 17 [Guía de solución de problemas]

primero. Al hacerlo, iTunes intentará reinstalar iOS sin borrar sus datos.

As much as possible, ensure that your iPhone has no damage on any of its physical components. Note that none of these subsequent procedures will work if a hardware damage is present on your iPhone SE. If you suspect that your iPhone is damaged, then you can save time by taking it straight to an Apple service center for proper hardware assessment and fixing. But if you’re certain that the hardware is not to blame, then you may resort to any of the given solutions to get your iPhone SE out of the recovery mode loop and back to working properly again.

De lo contrario, haga clic en la opción

Assuming that you’ve already done the simple drills including a forced restart in an attempt to get your iPhone back to its normal operation but to no avail, then you may continue troubleshoot the software through iTunes. If you haven’t done it, then you should do it first. To force your iPhone SE to restart, just press and hold the Power and Home buttons together for about 10 to 20 seconds until the iPhone power cycles. If that doesn’t work, then proceed with iTunes restore instead. In order to get started, you will need to secure a computer (Windows or Mac) that has the latest version of iTunes software installed. Once you have your computer and iPhone ready, proceed with these steps:

  1. Abre iTunes en tu computadora.
  2. Conecta tu iPhone a tu computadora con el cable USB provisto.
  3. Si se le solicita, ingrese el código de acceso de su dispositivo o toque la opción Confiar en esta computadora en la pantalla de su iPhone para continuar.
  4. Seleccione su iPhone SE cuando aparece en iTunes. Si no aparece en iTunes, fuerce el reinicio con estos pasos:
      Mantenga presionados los botones Inicio y Encendido al mismo tiempo hasta que aparezca la pantalla Modo de recuperación. No sueltes los botones cuando veas el logo de Apple. Cuando se le solicite la opción de restaurar o actualizar, seleccione Actualizar primero. Al hacerlo, iTunes intentará reinstalar iOS sin borrar sus datos. De lo contrario, haga clic en la opción Restaurar copia de seguridad en iTunes para restaurar una copia de seguridad anterior de iOS. Ubique el archivo de respaldo de iOS que desea usar y luego siga las instrucciones en pantalla para finalizar la restauración de iOS.

Wait until iTunes is finished downloading the software for your device. It could take a few minutes to complete so just wait. If the process takes more than 15 minutes, your iPhone will exit recovery mode and if that happens you will need to go back to the prior steps in entering recovery mode on your iPhone SE. Be sure to keep your iPhone connect after it reboots and wait for it to sync with your computer before disconnecting.

Restaurar copia de seguridad

If the prior system restoration method doesn’t work then your next option and possible solution to try on is a DFU mode restore. Device Firmware Update or DFU mode restore is by far deemed the most in-depth restore you can do on your iPhone. It’s often the last best solution carried out by Apple techs when dealing with serious software problems in an iOS device. This restore stands a better chance of offering a permanent solution than the usual restores like recovery mode. It works by erasing and reloading every bit of code that controls your iPhone software and hardware. Just make sure your iPhone has no sort of liquid damage to prevent it from getting bricked in the process. A liquid damage on the iPhone can potentially halt the DFU mode restore and if that happens, there is a higher chance for your iPhone system to crash and fail to work ever again. Should you wish to give it a try, you will need to secure a computer with the latest iTunes version installed. And when everything is set, follow these steps to put your iPhone SE in DFU mode, restore iOS, and get it out from recovery mode loop.

  1. Connect your iPhone into your computer using the supplied (OEM) USB cord or Lightning cable.
  2. Open iTunes on your computer.
  3. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake (Power) button and Home button simultaneously on your iPhone SE  for 8 seconds.
  4. After the elapsed time, release the Sleep/Wake (Power) button but keep holding down the Home button until you are prompted with an iTunes message saying that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode.
  5. Release the Home button by then.

If your iPhone’s screen turns completely black, it means that you have successfully entered DFU mode. If it’s not, then it means you haven’t entered DFU mode yet and that you will need to try again from the very start. Once you’re in DFU mode, restore your iPhone SE through iTunes.

en iTunes para restaurar una copia de seguridad anterior de iOS. Ubique el archivo de respaldo de iOS que desea usar y luego siga las instrucciones en pantalla para finalizar la restauración de iOS.

There are actually a lot of iOS recovery software available online, which you can use as alternative solutions in fixing major software problems on your iPhone including stuck on recovery mode issue. If you’ve ran out of options and the problem persists, then you should give any of these tools a shot. You may opt to try a downloadable free version or purchase the entire software package as you would prefer. These tools usually offer an Exit Recovery Mode button for you to click and get your iPhone out of the recovery mode screen. Be sure to read prior reviews though so you’ll have at least an idea about how the software actually performs.

Conecte su iPhone a su computadora usando el cable USB (OEM) suministrado o el cable Lightning.

If none of the aforementioned methods is able to fix the problem and that your iPhone SE remains stuck on recovery mode loop, then you should already consider escalating the problem to your carrier or Apple Support. This must be done given that the problem has started to occur after installing an iOS update. Escalating the issue is one way to let Apple devs know of and tag it among other post-update issues that will require a fix patch in the next update rollout. Or if calling is not an option for you, then you can just take your iPhone to a service center and have it diagnosed by an authorized technician instead. Posts you may like to read:

  • How to fix an iPhone SE that freezes during boot up and gets stuck on black screen? [Troubleshooting Guide]
  • Why does my iPhone SE keep restarting by itself and how to fix it? [Troubleshooting Guide]
  • How to fix an iPhone SE that won’t update iOS, failed to update software? [Troubleshooting Guide]
  • How to fix an iPhone SE that gets stuck on red screen after installing iOS 11 update? [Troubleshooting Guide]
  • How to fix a problem on Find My iPhone is not working on Apple iPhone SE [Troubleshooting Guide]
  • How to Fix Apple iPhone SE Home button that is stuck or not working [Troubleshooting Guide]

Abra iTunes en su computadora.

Visit our troubleshooting page to view more solutions to other iPhone problems we have addressed in our prior posts. If you wish to reach our iOS support team for further assistance, then you may do so by filling up this form with all the required information. Be sure to provide us with the significant details of the issue that you need help with so we would be able to give you the best possible solutions and recommendations to try on.

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